Friday, December 7, 2007

Where is housing headed? Is there a safe way to profit from coming changes?

Each day seems to present more questions about the future of our housing market. I can't help but think that things are poised to get worse. That is difficult for me to admit seeing how I consider myself an eternal optimist. Unfortunately there are too many precursors set for more housing woes, even with government intervention.

The good news is that I truly believe that there are some tremendous opportunities in the housing market for potential buyers. Over the next few days I'm going to be talking about how the current environment can actually help you - and even allow you to profit - if you are in the market to buy a home and whether you should look at a straight purchase or the Lease To Own.

I'm really looking for questions, so please feel free to post so that I can help address the pressing questions that are now surfacing with Lease To Own and Lease Options beginning to make their way to the headlines.

Until tomorrow - Jon

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